Disappointments—Consider Them Pure Joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. (James 1:2-3)

Two weeks ago, we left the house for about three hours. The sun blazed in the cloudless sky. Although the weatherman mentioned a possibility of thunder storms in selected areas, we felt safe in letting our awning extended. They’d been calling for sudden storms all week. They missed the mark every day.

On our way home, we drove slowly through a downpour we used to call a gully washer. In some spots, water streamed across the road like a river.

When we got home, I walked into the kitchen. A white curtain blocked my view from the window. I gasped as I heard Gene yell, “Oh no!”

The weight of the rain gathered in our awning snapped the roll bar in half.

Needless to say, we were disappointed. We had debated about getting an awning for our deck several years before we finally purchasing one. A neighbor had helped Gene install it just a month prior to the incident.

It was a small commodity really. We knew that.

However the loss of our swimming pool didn’t seem like a small thing to our granddaughter.

We kept a nice size, inexpensive, blowup, pool (the blue and white stripe at the bottom of the picture) on the deck for the grandactives to cool off in. The sharp, broken edge of the roll bar punctured the pool. Of course, it’s irreparable. And shame on Bee and Pap for not buying a new one and having it set up, ready to go for the kids when they got there two days later. Our granddaughter, Sydney sulked for more than an hour.

I asked her if she was upset about the pool.

“No.” She sniffled. “It’s just that I wanted to have fun this summer. But no. That just can’t happen.”

“But we went to Sight and Sound yesterday. Didn’t you enjoy the show?”

“Yes. But that was the only fun I had all summer.”

I reminded her of some of the other activities her family did this summer. None of that seemed to matter. She wanted to play in the water, but the pool was destroyed.

“The awning was destroyed too,” I said. “Pap and I were pretty disappointed about that. But it doesn’t take away all the good times we had this summer. It’s your choice, Sydney. You can find other fun things to do today at Bee’s house. Or you can pout all day. But that still doesn’t take away from all the other days you had fun.”

Sydney didn’t say anything for a long time after our conversation. Eventually, she got out of her mood and played with her brother and sister. I think she actually had fun.

Life is full of disappointments. Some are small, like a destroyed awning and kids’ pool. Some are huge, like being diagnosed with cancer or losing a loved one. But even the worst disappointment cannot rob us of our joy when we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must grieve. We must count our loss. We must rebuild and restore what we can. But our joy remains intact. Our joy does not depend on outside sources. Our joy comes from the Lord. He dwells in us. He completes our joy.

How about you? How have you learned to face hardships with joy?

See you in a twinkling,
Brenda K. Hendricks

3 thoughts on “Disappointments—Consider Them Pure Joy

  1. Thank you Brenda for sharing this awesome post. I would like to know what are the good things cancer has taught you. Were you a grumpy person before and now you are a more loving, patient, appreciative, grateful, compassionate, helping person? Were you eating junk food before and now you are eating more vegetables and fruits? Were you a negative, faithless person and now you are more supportive person through trials and have more faith in God? Were you a very judgemental and criticised people a lot and now you see them through the love of Father God. You are with helping them rather than judging and putting people down? Were you very stingy with giving away money or things to people and now you are more generous? Were you having more like a Pharisses hypocritical mentality and now you felt more on the grace of Jesus than your dead works? Do you see through people past imperfections? Are you more a forgiving person than before cancer? Were you judging people on their appearance rather than seeing them through the eyes of God? Were you leaving in fear of sharing the gospel and your testimony and now you are fearless to share easily your testimony and the gospel with strangers? Has your relationship with God improved in listening to His voice in your heart to comfort, teach you and guide you. Have you gained in walking and doing thing with boldness and courage? Has cancer change The way you see The kingdom of God on earth and in Heaven? Do you spend more time reading your bible? Have you experienced emotional, physical healing and spiritual deliverance? Are you getting on better with your family than in The past? Do you felt more on the help of The Lord than before cancer? Do you feel stronger when facing trials and disappointment? Has your faith grown from strength to strength? Do you pray for sick people and those that have cancer issues? Were you an angry person before and now you are more tempered and not rely on your emotions but common sense? What have you learn about your weaknesses and strength through cancer? Has The Lord spoken to you through cancer? Did you have any supernatural experience with The Lord through cancer? Sorry for the length of my message. The Lord wants you to talk about the Brenda before cancer and now the Brenda after cancer? If it is too much for you to write a post. Ask a friend or your daughter to type of for you. Don’t forget to do a Questions and Answers YouTube video!!! Every time, you are invited to speak and do your art classes. Make it your duty to share your cancer testimony followed by a Q and A session. Then, ask if anybody needs prayers for healing of their loved ones that are sick. Then, you pray together with the other attendees for their healing. Luke 12:48 – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. God is challenging you through me to greater things… I’m not a writer for nothing!! Blessings, Sana

    • Sana, thanks for your comments. I will have to consider the changes. They’re not a tangible as being mean and now I’m nice though. I think more on a deeper level. I thought the hardships were to teach me things like you mentioned, to strengthen my faith, and to teach me to fully rely on God. Of course, through the years, I have been learning those lessons. But specifically now, the lesson is for me to let my light shine during my dark hours so that others who are seeking Jesus can find Him. Our lessons are never unto ourselves, but meant for us to teach others.

  2. I agree with your comments. You will discover that Christians around you need to be taught what the Lord has taught you. The more you share, the more you get deeper with people, the more you will find that they fan learn from you. Sometimes, they will discover that they had the wrong thinking and image about God. Even though they have been christians for many years. That’s why God wants to use our growth through trials to equip others. Blessings😀

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